3 months to go – what still needs to be done?
- Still sell two VW campervans – one is still having to be sprayed, and both need new interiors. A total of five have already been sold. .
- Decide on whether to keep the Pajero 4×4.
- Sell my beloved Tuscani sportscar – I will sell it once most of the campervans are gone
- Painting of the outside of the house started this week, so by the end of next week at least the exterior will look great.
- Time needs to be found to start seriously emptying out the old studio which has now become a temporary store room. There are some things we don’t want to get rid of, so they are going to my parents place for storage…I need to move these items gradually over the next month.
- My edit suite also needs to be cleared out – I started on that a month back and sold most of the valuable excess video and photographic gear, but there is still more to go through. The room needs to be cleared for painting within the next two weeks.
- The cellar also needs to be cleared out within the next two weeks 🙂
- The main office will have to be gradually reduced to the minimum equipment needed to run Central Castings until the end of June. Then the agency will move to new premises with a new owner…but at this point in time it hasn’t yet been sold! I have a plan B if it doesn’t get sold…
- The house must go on the market on 1 July – and get sold within 6 weeks 🙂 We will not hang around for the transfer and handover which takes 3 months. As soon as the deal is done and the funds have cleared in our conveyancing attorney’s account, we will be packing our bags. Once the transfer is through the payment will go into our investment account and start earning interest…
We will be keeping a room at my parents house for when we visit Cape Town every two years or so, or when we need to come back for family matters. We have decided to buy my parents house in order to release the value of the house to them to use during their retirement years. My sisters and I would inherit the house, so they will simply share what remains of the invested purchase price when both of my parents have passed on. So our family home will become one of the stops we make every now and then once we have established a nomadic ‘circuit’.
So steady progress is being made, but it’s only now that we realise just how much ‘stuff’ has been accrued over time…much of it cool to have but not really necessary….