Follow our Life Journey in Photo’s

We are two travel bloggers and photographers who are soul mates.We got married in 2021 in a break between heavy Covid19 restrictions . We sold our big house and most of our possessions and embarked on a journey of discovery to distant lands in 2017.

Sometimes we volunteered with charities, NGO's and eco-friendly projects but most of the time we travelled on $50 - $80/day...

Of course, plans will change and we will adapt to circumstances which arise, but our goal is to visit most of the countries in the Southern Hemisphere over the next few years.

With international travel not possible in 2020/21 we have been working on our cosy home in Cape Town, South Africa, and have started travel-related businesses to keep ourselves busy and bring in some income.

We usually travelled for up to 6 months at a time, returning to our home town of Cape Town, South Africa to visit family and friends for a few months before setting off on our next travel adventure.

We travelled to SE Asia, Philippines and the South Pacific in 2017/18, and have completed 6 months in South America in 2019. Our next destination in 2020 would have been probably the Seychelles islands, Sri Lanka and India, but due to Covid19 our international travel plans were put on hold.

Akhona decided to get a real job, and now works for Travelopia, one of the largest travel companies in the world. Now that she has a regular job we have to limit our travels overseas to once or twice per year. We do however do lots of local weekend roadtrips from our base in Cape Town each year to feed our need to be on the road.

In 2022 we travelled to Thailand and visited Koh Sumui, Koh Phagnan and Koh Tao. In 2023 we took an amazing trip to Antarctica in March, followed by a month-long trip to Zanzibar in July.

I now run Nomads Camper Hire and Nomads Tours during the busy tourist season in Cape Town...

Our next trip in 2024 with be three weeks in Barcelona,Paris, Venice, Sicily, Rome and Istanbul...Watch this Space :)

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Cool Pics

akhona akhona Akhona Derek Derekboat derektruckweb Helicopter flight volcano Helicopter flight_waterfall Imaan Jennifer Julia Himba Paulina Drone shots Beach Sunset-pier